Cari Newman Cari Newman

Kids vs. Time: How Routines Can Rescue The Day

One of the most consistent day-to-day annoyances I hear from parents is about their family’s relationship with TIME. The hardest moments occur when time constraints require everyone in the family to move with the same sense of urgency when clearly some members of the family didn’t get the memo.

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Cari Newman Cari Newman

Here We Go Again, Again

Well, friends, here we go. Again.
We entered 2021 hopeful for a return to “normal” and ended the year realizing that there is no such thing.

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Cari Newman Cari Newman

A Different Approach to Report Cards

The end of the first half of the school year means that report card season is here. Whether you’ve seen your child’s grades or not, it’s time to re-think how report cards can inform your next move BEFORE we all head back to school in January.

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Cari Newman Cari Newman

The Power of Consistency

Vacations can be a uniquely wonderful time for families because they’re a chance to get off of the day-to-day hamster wheel of carpools, after-school activities, and never-ending logistics. In many families, though, a break from the usual grind can create its own challenges.

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Cari Newman Cari Newman

Back to School Jitters

It’s August in the south, and that means we’re all headed back to school. For lots of kids and parents, this is extremely anxiety-provoking.

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Cari Newman Cari Newman

Tackling Chronic Inflexibility

All well-adjusted children push boundaries and fuss.

These are all expected explorations of boundaries—where do their needs and desires smack up against yours, and what happens next?

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Cari Newman Cari Newman

Chipping Away at Worry

Last week's blog about BIG FEELINGS touched a nerve and revealed an undercurrent in kids and their families lives. So. Much. Worry.

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Cari Newman Cari Newman

Big Feelings

Most children (and lots of adults) think feelings are mysterious things that come from nowhere, happen to them, and elicit a reaction that is automatic and out of their control.

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